Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Job

I find it so difficult to dress for work in the summer. The stores seem full of baby-doll dresses, and WHITE suits. Rarely does anything seem appropriate or adult. This spring/summer season is much better than usual. Cardigans, little jackets and skirts of respectable lengths are up for grabs.

Shirts increase in visibility in the summertime because you can actually take your sweater or jacket off (no more hiding that ANCIENT tank top behind a buttoned-up blazer). I like to have a selection of classic shirts to choose from when I get dressed in the morning. Great quality shirts helps make everything look and feel better. They can be worn casually with a pair of jeans, or all-business with a pantsuit.

I am a HUGE fan of the Audrey Talbott shirt. Pretty much the best shirt ever. My clients can't get enough of them. Beautiful fabrics, exceptional detail and they wear like iron. What more could you ask for?

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